Another Movie that makes me glued to the TV!
how we see the others?
how we define our relation with God?
can we make a change in the ppl we love?
A sensual/spiritual movie- its not a contardiction...sensuality/intimacy can be one of the highest levels of spirituality.
i remember a major line from the movie when Anuk the small gurl runs back home crying and cursing her mother saying " are the devil's assistant? why don't we go to church?why can't u wear black shoes like all the mothers do!"
طول عمرى نفسى اشوف الفيلم ده بشوف الاعلان و عمرى ما شوفته دلوقتى نفسى اشوفه اكتر
ana bamooooooooooooot fel film da
wa7ed mel aflam elly bafady nafsy 3ashanha :))
رجعتيني لايام الشباب والله
اصل لما رحت اقدم في معهد سينما .. جابولنا الفيلم ده عشان ننتقده وكده
هو بجد فيلم حكاااااايه
شكلك بتفهمي ودماغك كويسه
هتابع البلوج ده
thank u for passin by!
u ve to see the movie!
film gameed yestahel!
glad by ur comment
and i really hope to see u always here in my baby stepping blog :D
I agree with you, Samar. Anyway, Man created such a word as contradiction. All is part of the whole. I sure hope I understand what I am saying.
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