Tuesday, October 02, 2007

Another Movie that makes me glued to the TV!

how we see the others?

how we define our relation with God?

can we make a change in the ppl we love?

A sensual/spiritual movie- its not a contardiction...sensuality/intimacy can be one of the highest levels of spirituality.

i remember a major line from the movie when Anuk the small gurl runs back home crying and cursing her mother saying " are the devil's assistant? why don't we go to church?why can't u wear black shoes like all the mothers do!"


غجرية said...

طول عمرى نفسى اشوف الفيلم ده بشوف الاعلان و عمرى ما شوفته دلوقتى نفسى اشوفه اكتر

كلمه said...

ana bamooooooooooooot fel film da
wa7ed mel aflam elly bafady nafsy 3ashanha :))

Soooo said...

رجعتيني لايام الشباب والله
اصل لما رحت اقدم في معهد سينما .. جابولنا الفيلم ده عشان ننتقده وكده

هو بجد فيلم حكاااااايه

شكلك بتفهمي ودماغك كويسه
هتابع البلوج ده


Samar Ali said...

thank u for passin by!
u ve to see the movie!

Samar Ali said...

film gameed yestahel!

Samar Ali said...


glad by ur comment
and i really hope to see u always here in my baby stepping blog :D

Marwa Hasan Abdel Salam, Translator said...

I agree with you, Samar. Anyway, Man created such a word as contradiction. All is part of the whole. I sure hope I understand what I am saying.